
My Name is Helen Marie Quick and I am from Durham, NC in the United States. I enjoy writing . I hope and pray that you enjoy, get encouraged, and grow closer to Jesus Christ through it. I am a member of Christian Assembly Church in Durham, NC.

If you would like to see the Christian Assembly Church website here it is:


I have recently joined a Christian Writers and Poets group on Facebook.

Here is the link to their blog :



It  is my prayer that the Lord will use this site to further the work of the Kingdom of God. May the Lord’s blessing be upon each one of the readers. Amen!

Also if you like for me to pray for about anything I would be glad to do so. Feel free to send me comments because I would like to know how this blog has touched you and feel free to send any prayer requests too!


Your Sister In Christ


Below is My Testimony: Take courage for the LORD Is IN CONTROL

My name is Helen Marie Quick and this is my testimony. I was born into an abusive home where My birth father was involved in witchcraft. I spent the first six years of my life in this sexually and physically abusive home. My parents got divorced and then my Mom and I went to live with my maternal grandparents. We stayed there for about three years, so when I was nine my mother got remarried. My step dad was also abusive towards me. One day while I was watching  The Gospel Bill Show on TBN network I accepted Christ into my heart. I was nine years old then and I did not understand what all having Christ living inside of me ment at the time. I was baptized at the age of eleven and then I went into foster care. I lived in my first foster for the rest of that school year but later that year I went back into the hospital. I was placed into my last foster home when I was thirteen. It was at this home that I began to know what the love of Christ ment and I saw it in action as well. I say all this to say that through out my teenage years and my twenties I experienced doubt. I would say that I was Christian and was active in my church but I also went through times where I would doubt God’s Word. I was an angry and bitter woman who relived the past abuses in my mind. But by God’s grace three years ago I began to live everyday as a new day. But by God’s grace I began to see that God loved me for me. He was my Creator and He chose me to be His child. I surrender to God all the unforgiveness that I have held against all those that have hurt me. By the Grace of God I can live everyday as a new day. There was a time where I would like to have changed the past  but it is because of the past that I have a future with Jesus Christ. Now I want to tell you that God loved and restored my heart to himself  He can do the same for you.

Dear God,

Forgive me of my sin and help me forgive those who harmed me. Fill me with Your precious Holy Spirit. I want to live for now so teach me Your ways God.

In Jesus Name Amen.

October 2, 2013

Since, I wrote the above testimony God has answered the prayer that prayed. Through the reading of a book TOTAL FORGIVENESS by RT KENDALL I have forgiven those that have sinned against me. It is now that my prayer has been. Lord, forgive them as You have forgiven me. May they be men and women after Your own heart. The cry of my heart is this that God would use this Blog to reach people who might not otherwise enter the doors of a church.

My prayer for all those that are sexually and physically abused or are involved in witchcraft is that in some way may the LORD JESUS CHRIST use my testimony and poetry to release the captives of these sins. May they find redemption in the LORD JESUS CHRIST. For HE came to set you free and to make you His child. Amen.

March 3, 2015

The Lord continues to show forth His grace and healing in my life. Some of the things that were triggers in my life to bring painful memories are but a vapor. They no longer bring pain to my eyes. For example hearing my first name, Helen, whenever it was spoken, no longer brings tears of pain and anguish to my heart but rather tears of JOY. While certain events in the news bring me a great deal of sadness and remembrance of things long ago; I can rejoice knowing that The LORD has brought me through those things and I can see that The LORD is continuing to work in my life. I see my prayers being heard and answered.

So, my prayer this year for my blog is as follows:

Dear Father,

Encourage those who are in the drenches of utter despair and loneliness. Grasp hold of their hearts and hold them in the palm of Your hand. Open the eyes of those walking in these places with the Light of Your Presence. May they find comfort and freedom through what is written here but also courage to walk out their new found hope in You!

In Jesus Christ I pray Amen!